Monday, October 29, 2012

Field Trip, Lunch, & a Project

Today has been a great day because I went on the ultimate field trip! First of all, my child slept great & we didn't get her out of bed until almost 8:30! I had a doctor's appointment at 9:20, so we got her read very quickly and dropped her off. Then, we went by Chick-fil-a for breakfast - hallelujah! It was so delicious to eat something for breakfast other than raisin toast with peanut butter and banana. What a treat!!! After the first stop of our field trip, we went to the doctor. I have no news to report! I am still about 2-3 cm dilated. My doctor will be back Wednesday, so it looks like he'll get to deliver these babies! The doctor I saw today said he felt Major's head, which was weird to me.

Next stop on the field trip: Wal Mart. I know, I know...I'm on bed rest, but I decided I wanted to make a wreath for the hospital door & later for the babies' nursery door. Mitch dropped me off at the front of the store, I walked straight to the craft department, spent few minutes picking out my materials, checked out, & he picked me back up at the front. I just couldn't trust anyone else to find and pick out my materials for me! 

That ended the field trip, but after almost 2 weeks basically at home, Chick-fil-a, the hospital, and Wal Mart was seriously amazing! At home, I began my project. My husband made me a delicious lunch - my new favorite. It was so beautiful that I had to take a picture.

Also note the purple & gold fiestaware. Geaux Tigers! YUM YUM YUM!!

I love cheese and crackers and grapes so much that it's definitely worth a mention & picture on the blog! I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's lunch :)

Now, my wreath project. I am so thankful to have had something to occupy my entire day today. I have seen yarn wreaths on pinterest & I figured it would be pretty easy to do and require few materials. I picked out pink & blue yarn and picked up a wooden H & M to put on the wreath also. I planned to paint the letters but then remembered seeing yarn-wrapped letters on pinterest, and I had plenty of yarn. My afternoon consisted of wrapping and wrapping yarn around the wreath and letters. I am still covered in yarn fuzz and hot glue strings. 

I think it looks pretty good, right? We may add a card with their birth information also.

To end the day, Mitch installed the babies' carseats. We're probably a little behind on getting that done, but hey - it gone done before they arrived, right? Maddex will be sitting in the middle of her baby siblings, so let's just hope she is kind to them and doesn't smack at them :) Here's a picture of the set-up...

I am very thankful we can fit all three kids safely across my back seat! The Lord planned those measurements perfectly :)

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