Friday, November 23, 2012

First Thanksgiving & TWO weeks old!

The sweet babes celebrated their first Thanksgiving and two week birthday yesterday! Looks like Thanksgiving also brought Harper some gas. She spent most of the day crying out at random times & was very squirmy. Maybe she just wanted some extra snuggles :)

My immediate family came over for Thanksgiving lunch. I made tea & Mitch made a pecan pie, but then the fam brought the rest of the food. We also managed to get some serious cleaning done around the house this week thanks to Nana. I really am amazed we cleaned and picked up what we did with Maddex running around. Maddex LOVED playing and reading books with her big cousins Hannah and Sarah. She was hilarious - she would holler "HEEEYYYYY" to people and holler out their names. She certainly kept us laughing. The twins got lots of love from their aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandparents.

After lunch & dessert Mitch took Maddex out to his big family gathering. I did miss getting to see his family, but I will say it made things a little easier not to have to rush around and I am not quite ready to bring the twins out around a larger crowd. Maddex had a lot of fun playing with her cousins there and I got some down time with the baby twins. Overall, I think the day was a success, but I was pretty tired by the evening! The babies had a pretty good night last night - they are still difficult to settle at night. I guess they still have their "days and nights mixed up." And Harper still seemed to be battling gas. They mostly slept on the couch near me, which is not my favorite arrangement, but it's the best way for all of us to get sleep. They sleep pretty well in the pack & play during the day, but it's just must harder to get them down in there at night. They are also staying up a little more during the day. After a feeding they don't immediately fall asleep. I think Harper was awake for at least an hour yesterday when my family was just getting here!

So, overall at two weeks the babies are:
-Sleeping pretty well during the day & starting to stay awake some after feedings
-Developing some tendencies toward gas pains & needing extra snuggles
-Eating every 3 hours (at least - usually there's an extra feeding late at night) and are exclusively nursing. In the past week I think each baby has gotten formula once as a snack or filler-upper.
-Both babies still have their umbilical cords - I'm so ready for those to fall off! Bath time makes me so sad having to sponge bathe them. I know they're cold :(
-Just starting to get to wear outfits & spend a little time unswaddled. They've been in gowns & swaddled for pretty much the first 2 weeks. The past couple of days I have put them in sleep & plays or an outfit. They still love their swaddlers.
-They are pretty hit & miss with pacifiers. They will take them, but don't seem dependent on them.
-Fighting blocked tear ducts - both of Major's eyes have had one & Harper still has one in her left eye.
-Harper still is full of boogers. Poor girl is always snorting and we are forever sucking snot and boogers out of her nose!

That's about it...goals for the next week are to start giving the babies some specific activities for "wake time" - boppy pillows, swings, playmat, tummy time, etc. I also am going to try to introduce regular bottles in the next week. They have done fine with the enfamil samples from the hospital, but I want to get them used to a regular bottle. I have several different kinds for them to choose from, so hopefully it will be a success. I did not do a great job with bottles for Maddex and it was a fight for months until she eventually just took to sippy cups. Hoping for the twins to do well with both bottles & nursing!

OK - here are some pictures to finish the entry...

How can I not be forever thankful???

Turkey dress & tiger hat :) What else would you wear on Thanksgiving day?

Major's Thanksgiving day outfit. Love this onesie from some sweet friends @ church.

Harper's Thanksgiving day outfit. They also have a burp cloth, bib, and blanket to match :)

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