Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer - Week 1

Y'all. Staying at home with 3 kids two and under AIN'T EASY!! I'm already counting down to when school starts again ;) (64 days FYI). The babies seem to have begun serious teething mode as soon as summer started! Night sleeping and naps have regressed, and I am pooped! To add to that, Maddex's 2 year molars are coming in! So we are teething x 3 in the Crain household...oh Lawd!!! I am definitely enjoying the sweet moments with all of my babies, but I could do with a little less fussiness/clinginess and a little more sleep!

I had grand plans for working with Maddex this summer, but so far, that's not happening. By the end of the day, I think, "What did we do today?" and it usually involves Maddex watching "Wheels on the Bus" like 5 times and playing with some of her toys. I think she colored once and did puzzles once. I know it's just the first week, so I'm hoping I can get the hang of things and do a little more with her as summer progresses.

I've been somewhat discouraged this week about how little was getting done around the house. I couldn't even see to keep up with the daily tasks of laundry & dishes and everything was just piling up! Nana to the rescue, though! My mom came over on Wednesday and helped entertain the kids while I was able to do some chores. Then she helped me do some chores while everyone napped. Since then I've felt a little more encouraged and caught up. I'm so used to large feelings of accomplishments - a successful lesson taught, students reaching goals, an assignment completed and turned in, that the simple daily tasks of a stay-at-home-mom left me feeling unfulfilled. I've really worked on changing my perspective these last few days and have tried to find fulfillment in just the smallest tasks - organizing the babies' clothes, putting away the laundry, or blogging :). This change in perspective IS helping my discouragement about staying at home and making me enjoy the days a bit more.

Ok, enough's a breakdown of our week...

  • Even though Monday was a holiday, Mitch had work to do, so it was just a regular summer day around here. We stayed at home all morning, and I quickly realized that makes the day go by much slower! I've made it a point to get out daily since then. 
  • We made a couple of trips to Target. I usually get a couple of "hands full" comments and quite a few stares. I've discovered there are many different ways to configure three kids when going to Target, and our set up has been different each time (pictures below).
  • We had a couple of playdates - one at our house and one at Carrie's w/ Maddex's BFF's Carly & Audra. The girls had so much fun playing in the water together & only had one or two small tiffs over toys :) I haven't decided yet if I prefer a playdate here or away. It's nice to get out of the house, but it's also easier to be able to put the babies down for a nap at home.
  • We did a little playing outside yesterday. The babies were pretty content and Maddex really enjoyed it. I tried to wait until the evening, but it was still SO hot!
  • I did manage a nap one day for about an hour and a half. I was incredibly tired & put the kids down then lay down myself. I woke up to Major's fussing and have no idea how long he was fussing in there! I haven't gotten them to nap at the same time for that long since then!
Maddex is especially funny these days (when she's not whining or throwing a typical 2-year-old tantrum). My favorite Maddex moment of the week was Friday when she came to me with what I thought was a small piece of trash. I held my hand out and turns out, it was a booger! I hollered to Mitch for a cloth and he brought me a paper towel. Well, in the transfer, the booger got onto him! I laughed so much and still LOL when I think about it. She brought me another booger last night. This one made it on the paper towel. She has started to really love dancing and singing for us. I love the good parts of the two-year-old stage!

Here are a few pictures from our week...

Happy boy up from his nap during our walk.

Went for a walk after the babies woke up from a nap too early. This is how sweet sister fell back to sleep!

Memorial day stud to the MAX!

Target trip one - Maddex in the kid part, Maj stuffed in the top of the buggy, and Harpy in her carseat in the buggy.

Sis was fussing, so she snuggled with me in the sleepy wrap while I cooked dinner.

Target trip two - Maj & Maddex in the stroller & Harpy in the sleepy wrap. I piled what I could carry into a basket.

We LOVE Baby Einstein :)

Oh my word - angel baby. Harper's sporting one of Maddex's old shirts :)

Playing outside

Major laughing at his sister. They are really starting to notice each other!

Beautiful girl

Teething boy

Fun evening outside!!

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