Monday, December 10, 2012

One Month Appointment & Fears Revisited

The babies had their one month check-up today & they look fantastic!! Here are their stats:

8 lbs. 14 oz.
21.5 inches
Head is 38 cm

9 lbs. 2 oz.
21 inches
Head is 38 cm

They are growing great and are catching up on the growth charts!! We get to up their Zantac dosage for their reflux, so I'm really hoping that helps with some of their fussiness. We have had some rough nights lately (last night was much better), so maybe a higher dosage will help. I think they are still having some day/night reversal and tend to be fussy late & night and in the morning. The middle of the night is going OK and midday/afternoon is their most restful time right now. We've acquired two rock & play sleepers which they are doing great in! The sleepers keep them at an angle to help w/ the reflux & if they start fussing, I can usually rock it with my foot and help them go back to sleep. I also love these because they fold up easy for "on the go" & we'll be able to take them over to grandparents' houses easily!

Here are some pictures from today...

Conked Harper

Conked Major

Waiting at the doctor's office!

Now that we are one month in, I thought I'd update on my fears that I blogged about here. I also had some lessons & surprises that I mentioned earlier that I plan to revisit soon.

Fear #1: Going into labor. This really wasn't bad! The times I thought that I was going into labor were really annoying, but the final process wasn't bad at all. I am thankful that we left when we did because my contractions weren't awful. I'm sure I wrote that we even stopped to get gas and return a redbox movie on the way to the hospital. I really loved my whole labor experience (aside from the assessment center). Everything was so smooth and quick!!

Fear #2: Exhaustion. So, to be honest, this part hasn't been bad either. Don't get me wrong, I'm tired, but I'm surviving. I do get to sleep some every may only total 5 or 6 broken up hours, but I'm sleeping. Mitch is awesome and helps with the babies when they're both being difficult at night. He also helps me get set up to feed them. I do have my moments where I am so over waking up every 2-3 hours, but those pass pretty quickly. I do still have my fear of exhaustion once I go back to work. Right now, I can stay on the couch until anywhere between 8 & 10 before I get up and start moving for the day. That's going to be incredibly different when I have to be up at 5:30 for work! YIKES!! I am hoping that the higher dose of Zantac and the babies' age helps them to settle in better at night as I get closer to my return to work.

Fear #3: Bathtime. Not an issue! I take a bath EVERY day!!! Either the babies sleep in bouncies by the tub or Mitch relieves me for a few minutes of cleanliness!

Fear #4: Time. I have still struggled with this a little bit. The first weeks were rough when I felt like I missed so much with Maddex. It's gotten better though, but I think this will always be a struggle in our family! I so hope to find time to spend with each child and to work hard to make all my babies feel special. 

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