Friday, July 5, 2013

Hindsight is 20/20

I had the grand idea to start potty training with Maddex on July 4th. She loves to sit on the potty but had not ever used it since the very first time I put her on there months ago. But my girl is so smart and seemed so interested, I just KNEW it was going to be a breeze! I figured a Thursday would be a good day to start so that she'd be fairly well trained by church on Sunday. Y'all, I was wrong.

The child would not use the potty. She hated the timer, would say she didn't have to go, and would sit on there with NO action. Repeatedly. In retrospect, the first half a day wasn't too bad - she just held it! Maddex had no more than a few drops of tee tee in those first few hours, but the girl loved her panties! She threw a fit about putting on a pull up for nap time. Let's throw in some fussy twins to the mix at this point...twins who are waking up multiple times a night and not napping well. We are experiencing some awful sleep regression! By naptime on day one, I was done. Maddex was hollering about the pull up and Harper would not nap. I was ready to throw in the towel - not on potty training - but on motherhood all together! Good Lord (and He is good!), this is hard!!

Fast forward to after nap time (the one where Maddex slept wonderfully, but the twins hardly slept) and we talk about the potty chart. Mad was so excited to earn stickers for her chart and get a treat! I just knew this was going to be the ticket. Wrong! Begin the peeing on the the worst times. I'm nursing a baby or both babies are screaming in exersaucers and I'm hurriedly carrying her to the potty while pee drips throughout the house. All afternoon. Several accidents. Screaming babies. ZERO potty action.

Of course, July 4th was a great day to make a decision that would exhaust me as a parent. NOT. I was desperately waiting for bedtime because there was no synchronized napping today. Enter the fireworks...the ones that we've hated for years but have never actually bothered our child. This year she is scared. This year we have more babies, one of which is awoken by the horrifically loud booming going on around us. Mitch miraculously got Maddex to bed some time after nine, but Major was up until around TEN FORTY FIVE! I think it's safe to say that yesterday was one of my least favorite days of parenting ever.

I'd love to tell you that today was better and Maddex earned all kinds of stickers. But nope. We had one accident and then she asked to wear a diaper so she could sit on the couch. This mama was not fighting that! So potty training will wait for another day. Once that diaper went back on, it was as if everything was right in the world....well, not really, but the day did get significantly better! I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to be able to potty train Maddex with two babies around that need so much of my attention. I have some ideas for when we try the next time, but who knows when that will be! After the last few days, I'm in NO hurry! Oh, did I mention that Mitch was home and helping me all day yesterday...and I still just about lost my mind!!!

Since this post was a bit "Debbie downer," I'll leave you with some incredible cuteness to make you feel a little less sorry for me :)

Happy babies in the morning

Major thinks it's so funny he scooted under the table

Fighting over toys already

My sweet babes

Harper says, "Oh look! There's my brother!"

Playing...can you see Harpy's grin?

Giving sister kisses

Harpy getting her brother

Popcorn snack

Sweet, silly girl :)

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