-This boy has completely stolen my heart. Sometimes I feel sweet Harpy is neglected bc I just might snuggle Major Man a little more.
-Major is such a laid back baby. I've reported this before, but it's even truer these days! He'll fuss when he's tired, you swaddle him up, and he falls almost right to sleep. He hardly cries - he may cry out when he's hungry & fuss when he's tired.
-He loves to watch the fan & lights. I remember Maddex did this, too. He's definitely become more aware of his surroundings and will be perfectly content to stare up at the fan for his wake time entertainment.
-Nicknames: Major Man & Buddy Boy
-Weight: 11 lbs 5 oz (50th percentile)
-Height: 22 inches (10th percentile)
-Head: 90th percentile (typical)
-Sweet girl is still the more high maintenance twin. I think this has to do with the volume and pitch of her cry! You will KNOW if Harper is unhappy!
-Harp does not go to sleep on her own quite as well as her brother. Usually she will fall asleep if held, or we will let her cry for a little while. I'm not a proponent of cry it out at this age (for an extended amount of time), but Harper will cry off and on for 5-10 minutes and then go to sleep. I can handle that (although she usually does her crying in the back bc it does make me sad to hear!).
-Harper loves a pacifier most of the time. Thankfully, her daddy fashioned our awesome homemade wubbanubs AKA bub rubs (read about that here).
-She is still just a little clone of sweet Maddex. I do think it's possible Harper's eyes could end up being blue. Her eyes are much lighter than Major's.
-Nicknames: Harpy Harp & Angel/Angel girl/Angel face
-Weight: 11 lbs 8 oz (50th percentile)
-Height: 21 inches (5-10th percentile)
-Head: 95th percentile (typical again)
Here are there 2 month pictures. I'm not sure it gets CUTER than this!!!
sitting together
we are two months old!!!
kissing brother
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