Friday, January 4, 2013

8 weeks

I can't believe the baby twins are 8 weeks old today! Everything is still going by in such a blur! We are on our way to being on a schedule, but not quite there yet :)

The babies have slept about 5 hours between their night feeding and first middle of the night feeding the last 2 nights. Let's hope this is a pattern because I am really needing the sleep! This mama is tired! Unfortunately they are still a little hard to settle after that middle of the night feeding and we seem to be up a good bit for the next few hours. This could prove very tough when I head back to work on Monday.

What else is going on? Hmmm...

-Both babies are starting to smile some. I can usually catch a smile during the day, but not incredibly often. Sure does brighten my day when I see one!
-We are starting to figure out what works for each baby. Major can often be put down when it's time to go to sleep and he'll just drift off, maybe fuss a little. Harper can be rocked, bounced, and walked all around and will stay wide awake, but put her down in her bed and she'll cry for a few minutes then be out. Sometimes she'll wake off and on and cry, but will eventually go to sleep pretty easily.
-I just had a miracle & put both babies down awake in their beds and they were asleep within 10 minutes with NO crying! Their favorite place to sleep right now is in our bathroom w/ the heater running. I think they enjoy the white noise & there's not the other noise of a TV or toddler running around!
-We are at that stage where the babies stop pooping as much. Sorry if this is TMI. Harper especially will go a few days without pooping and then have a big one. I remember the days of Maddex's massive blowouts. I'm not looking forward to that times two!
-I'm not sure there's much else to report! We are working to get into a routine & schedule. I really believe when I head back to work on Monday, we'll see that schedule come together a little better.

In other news, Maddex has been doing pretty great over this break considering she stays at home inside most of every day. She's been playing well and it's been nice for her to have a few new toys to hold her attention. Mitch and I had a day date on Sunday and it was fantastic. We went to our favorite place - Chimes & to see a movie. Thoroughly enjoyed our time together!

I'm in the beginning stages of planning Maddex's birthday party. The theme is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star & it should be a fairly simple affair. I bought the paper for decorations & invitations yesterday, so I just need to get it all put together!

Before I end with a slew of pictures, I have to give a shout out to superdad. I had a dentist appointment this morning, so I left Mitch with all of the kids around 8:00. They were asleep when I left and I think he was able to sleep for about another hour. I got several picture updates to show everything was well & when I came home, every baby had been changed (diapers & clothes), fed, and the twins were sleeping in their swings. He had also squeezed in a bowl of cereal for himself. Seriously, I don't know if I could have done all of that! Way to go superdad :)

OK - the pictures aren't working right. I have tried since yesterday...will try again soon!

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