I'm tired. That should be no surprise to you if you've considered my life these days :) I need a little caffeine to make it through my day. Since I made it through my first full week back at work, I thought I'd treat myself to some CC's coffee and a bagel this morning. Unfortunately, that didn't happen due to a very disappointing experience.
Let's back up a little. I love a CC's drink. I often treat myself on the way to school - as much as my budget will allow. It's a little Monday pick-me-up or a Friday treat at the end of the week. I even continued trips to CC's during my pregnancy to get a drink (with the allotted amount of caffeine). I hadn't gone back to CC's after the babies were born until Christmas Eve. I'm sure I've mentioned that I have tried to cut dairy from my diet because I believe it irritates the twins. On Christmas Eve, I tried a latte with soy milk instead. I knew that they could have some of the same issues with the soy proteins, but I felt it was worth the risk. A peppermint mocha was just so Christmas-y. I got my drink made with soy milk, but found that it irritated me and the twins had a pretty fussy Christmas day, sooooo no soy for me either.
Fast forward to this morning. I'm tired after a week of going to bed around 10 and waking anywhere between 1 & 3 times a night to feed babies. Then getting up at 5:00 for another feeding and a full day of work. I'm tired. I deserved a treat :). I thought I'd go to CC's with some almond milk. We keep almond milk around all the time because Maddex has a milk allergy, so this is her source of calcium. I've also been cooking with it instead of milk the last few weeks. I figured they could easily replace their soy or regular milk with my almond milk to make my drink. I have since learned that there is some steaming and a little extra work that goes into a latte, so I realize this is not as simple as just pouring the milk into the drink. Here's what happened...
I went in to the store and greeted the barista with, "I have a question." I then explained that I can't currently drink regular or soy milk, but almond milk instead. I told her that I brought some with me and asked if they could make my drink with the almond milk. Her response? "I don't know the answer to that. I've never had anyone ask me that before." I kinda stood there awkwardly & said "Oh okay." She told me the manager would be in at 7:00 (it was 6:25), and she could ask then. I said I guess I could just call later to find out the answer to the question. Here's my disappointment - it's cool that she didn't know the answer to the question, but she did absolutely nothing to try to find out and please her customer. Y'all, I was so excited about having some CC's this morning and my dreams were just crushed. Okay, maybe slight exaggeration, but I was bummed. Is it too much to ask for her to have questioned her fellow workers? Perhaps they have been asked before and could help us out. Or, if her manager was due to work in 35 minutes, maybe she could have placed a quick call to get the answer. He/She was probably awake and soon to leave for work. I know the answer to the question could be a big fat NO...maybe there are some allergy or contamination issues. I just wish the answer could have been established while my tired, yet anticipatory, self stood in front of her, longing for a hot, steamy, delicious beverage.
Maybe I'm overreacting...maybe it's hormones or exhaustion, but I just wish this morning had gone a little different. Next time, I will be the proactive one to suggest she check with her fellow baristas or call the manager. I guess I'll make that phone call later today to determine the answer to my question. Unfortunately, I'm still tired. And if, in fact, they can't make my drink with almond milk, then, well, it's going to be a long year!
UPDATE 1/19/13 : I went to CC's this morning for a meeting. I didn't even ask about the almond milk, but the girl who did not help me was there again today. She remembered me and asked if I had ever gotten my answer. I told her no and she said they cannot use outside milk because they have pitchers designated for soy milk and regular milk. No big deal. I was disappointed in her lack of effort last week, but I am impressed she remembered me and checked to see if I got my answer. Also, fun fact: if you get a super grande tea at CC's you get unlimited refills on the day of purchase as long as you have your receipt!
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