Monday, September 16, 2013

10 months

I can't believe we are just a few short months away from the twins' first birthday. It's enough to put tears in this mama's eyes. They are really getting too big too fast!! I'm daily telling them to not grow up, but they just don't listen!

Here's what's up with the babies at ten months:


-Four teeth! I am pretty sure some new ones will be poking through any day now because she has been gnawing on those fingers again.
-Harper is finally crawling well. She's been an army crawler for a while, but now she often gets up on her knees. She's also pulling up occasionally.
-Harpy is not our morning child. Although she's chipper when she's awake, she does not enjoy when daddy wakes her up in the morning to go to Mrs. Vickie's!
-Harper has so many precious tricks. She will copy me when I say, "Ah!" She plays peek-a-boo with a cloth, tickles Maddex and laughs, AND last night when I put her down for bed, she started waving her hand and said "bah bah." That child said bye to me when I put her to bed!!! Smartest baby I know.
-Harper's ready for her 12 month clothes. Heck, we might even skip to 18 months!
-She is best at feeding herself. We are still mostly on puffs & mum mums. I've tried a couple of small finger foods with the babies, but they're still getting used to this chewing thing.


-Major finally has four teeth, too! His last two took a while to break through after Harper's. I miss their gummy grins, but we are loving their buck teeth!
-Major is a killer crawler and pulls up on everything. Thankfully he gets down easily these days! I imagine he'll be walking before he's one.
-Our buddy boy is so sweet and gets so excited when he sees one of us or a fun toy. He starts bucking and waving and squealing. He's also so sensitive! He pooches that bottom lip out and cries so'll break your heart!!
-Major is still pretty comfortably in 9 month clothes, but he's also slowly moving into some 12 month stuff.
-Major hasn't quite picked up on how to feed himself. He loves his sippy cup though and is adjusting well to that.
-Major's duck face is my favorite. I think I caught it in one of the pictures below.

We had a fun time taking pictures can tell by the pictures (and their blurriness) that the babies are getting more mobile! Enjoy!

Girls are smiling!

Lol Harpy

And we're moving

duck face

It's blurry - but so cute...Major reached forward and grabbed Harper

and was kissing (or biting) her arm :)

twin pose

Ready to get down!

My next blog...Why my 2-year-old is crying: Maddex edition. Stay tuned!

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