Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I know I'm overdue for a 4 month update post, but that'll come after we visit the doctor for their check-up on Thursday. I'll give you this spoiler: these babies are so sweet. I am simply head over heels!!!

As Maddex grew older, I fully intended to record all of her funny words & actions in some type of book. My mom even gave me this nifty one line a day book at one of my baby showers for her. Of course, I've totally dropped the ball on that! I'll try to remember to throw some in during my blog updates, but I'm going to devote this post to that silly girl.

I'll back up a little to her birthday...I was bathing her that night & I managed to record most of what she said during her bath...

-"Happy birthday to you Maddex" (which she pronounces Man-nex)
-"How you doing? Two How you doing? Good"
-"That's right Maddex that's right!"
-"Gonna eat Cane's, eat fries, gonna dip, gonna dip it. Ketchup dip it, Ketchup on the face, dip it."
-"LSU tiger"

All of those phrases were said in about a span of 2 minutes...

Here are some other happenings as of late that I hope will bring a smile to your face!

-I told Maddex she better go see her daddy to take a bath & I was going to count to three (she has no idea what this means)...she jumped up and said "Ooonnnee, twooooo, FIVE!"

-Last night she was sitting on the recliner with Mitch & Major. She kept telling Major "Hey Major! Gimme a kiss!" She finally got that kiss, too.

-She may or may not have been taught to say the following phrases: "Stand up & get crunk," "Everybody's got nipples."

-The other day she was sitting on the counter while Mitch was getting ready to take her to Mrs. Vickie's. She started pointing at my mom & talking a bit in gibberish...she finally got out what she was trying to say, which was..."I see Nana's nipples." (Sorry if that's TMI, but it's hilarious. And no, she could not see Nana's nipples.)

Unfortunately, along with all of this cuteness has come a string of "NO!!!" and "That's mine!" which are not my favorite things to come out of her mouth. She's being sent to her room when she throws an unnecessary fit & it's the most pitiful thing. She runs off crying then stands in the doorway screaming until one of us goes in. The best part of this stage is the snuggles she's willing to give during the "talk" afterwards.

I'm so thankful for this girl and what a sweet big sister she is! I think the babies are starting to take notice of their big sis. I'm excited to see how they begin to interact with one another over the next few months. She is going to LOVE it when they start giggling at her!

Now, who wouldn't love this face?????

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