Thursday, November 1, 2012

Interview with a father

People always ask me questions about Mitch's reaction to the twins and how he feels about their impending arrival. I thought it would be fun to ask him some questions, interview fashion, and record their answers on the blog. First, I thought I'd bore you with my own responses to the same questions. I'm sure you're all dying to know our answers and it'll be fun to look back on these responses later.

1. What was your reaction when the sonogram tech said "looks like there's two in there?"

I'm sure I said "WHAT?!!?" and did a little screaming and a little crying. Maddex was in there with her and we kinda freaked her out!

2. What has been the best part about expecting twins?

The support we've received from friends, family, and other twin mamas.

3. What has been the worst part about expecting twins?

My large belly which makes sleeping and comfort difficult.

4. What is your biggest concern about their arrival?

That they'll have to spend time in the NICU - more specifically that one will be in NICU and one will come home. I'm not sure how I could balance time between the babes. At this point, I'm believing the Lord is keeping them in long enough to keep that from happening!

5. What is your biggest concern about raising twins?

Spending time with all of our kids equally...making them feel special and loved as separate, whole people.

6. What are you most looking forward to with the twins?

Snuggling and baby kisses

7. What are you least looking forward to with the twins?

Nighttime. I already dread going to bed because I'm not sleeping well. I imagine I'll be a basket case every night because I'm going to be so afraid of not getting any sleep.

8. How would you describe your overall attitude toward having twins?

Bring it on!

Now for Mitch's responses and a few extra daddy-specific questions.

1. What was your reaction when the sonogram tech said "looks like there's two in there?"

Surprised. I asked if the machine was broken.

2. What has been the best part about expecting twins?

We don't have to get pregnant again. Gonna knock it all out right here.

3. What has been the worst part about expecting twins?

Having to buy two of everything.

4. What is your biggest concern about their arrival?

Everyone to be healthy - mom & babies.

5. What is your biggest concern about raising twins?

Being fair and hearing everyone say "Oh, are they twins?" Maddex being left out of activities meant for two kids.

6. What are you most looking forward to with the twins?

Being able to hold them at the same time.

7. What are you least looking forward to with the twins?

Buying two of everything (at the same time).

8. How would you describe your overall attitude toward having twins?

I'm gonna do the best I can with what I've got.

9. What is the craziest pregnancy request to which you have obliged?

Buying cups of ice from Sonic. 

10. Is there a minivan in your future?

I sure hope not.

11. Did your beard contribute to your ability to conceive twins?

Absolutely it did!

12. What are you most looking forward to about having a son?

Sitting around in our underwear and peeing off the back patio. That's bonding right there.

13. How would you feel if the twins are born on your birthday?

I think it would be a great birthday present.

That's the end of the interview so far. If you have questions for either of us about the twins, let me know and I'll tell you our responses!

I'll leave you with my 36 weeks picture. Getting BIG!!!

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