Friday, November 9, 2012

Birth Story & Blessings

Our sweet twins are being so good! Daddy is home with Maddex and Mommy is with the twins until the nursery opens at 11 (they are short staffed), so I thought I'd take the chance to share their birth story. It's a quick and simple but great one :)

I started having contractions Thursday evening and eventually decided to head to the assessment center (our favorite place). I felt like the contractions were a little more intense & consistent than in the past. I was hoping that if they determined I wasn't in active labor that they'd maybe still keep me overnight and induce me in the morning since I'd be 37 weeks. Our friend Kerri came over after we put Maddex to bed to stay with her for the night in case we ended up staying. Once we decided to go to the hospital I took a quick bath, Mitch showered, I packed some snacks & made sure everything was set up for Maddex for the next day. I was uncomfortable, but still managing & figured a little more movement would help move things right along.

Off we went to the hospital & visited our favorite place! The assessment center! We spent a miserable hour there with some of the worst service that we've had. It was very frustrating. Thankfully they determined I was in labor and admitted me to labor and delivery. Of course everything was WAY better up there!! We let our parents know that this was it and I got in touch with my sweet friend Maegan who was going to come take pictures of the babies' birth. I got settled in labor & delivery in the 11:00 hour and by midnight had been given my epidural. Things started moving quite quickly after that! I progressed about 2 cm in less than an hour; 30 minutes later I was about 3 more and very close to being ready to push. They started prepping the operating room & Mitch and Maegan got all dolled up in their scrubs. The twins were going to be delivered in the OR just in case Harper had turned breech or turned after Major was born & they couldn't get her out. From my understanding, they always deliver twins in the OR. At this point, I was starting to feel some pressure and was ready to push!

Next, they wheeled me down to the operating room and continued to get everything set up. I was starting to feel uncomfortable despite my epidural, but I was really excited. I honestly didn't feel nervous or afraid...the Lord just gave me peace and excitement! And there's really not much more to the story! We got ready, they told me to push, I basically had one big push and sweet Major boy was out! Mitch cut his cord and they brought him over to the warmer to get him all checked out. The nurses pushed and pushed on my belly to make sure that Harper stayed down. I pushed a few more minutes & out she came! Sweet babies were just five minutes apart. Mitch was checking on the babes, Maegan was snapping pics, and everyone was just telling me what a rock star I was. Let me interject here that if you ever want to feel good about yourself - birth twins :) All day yesterday I was just so "high" on what a great job I had done - people just kept saying it!!!

Major was doing great, but Harper was having a little trouble getting her color good and pink. I think they gave her a little bit of oxygen and kept her on the warmer a little longer. Pretty soon I had them both in my arms and we were being wheeled back to my labor and delivery room. Our parents came in and the nurses cleaned them up & got them all warm & snuggly. I was feeling great & just SO happy that they were finally here and healthy. We hung out in labor and delivery for my recovery time then headed on up to our room! We got settled in around 4:30 and that was it!

There's the story of their birth! Pretty simple and quick and I cannot tell you how thankful we are for that. I don't think the Lord could have blessed us more than He has in the last 48 hours!!!!

We've had a good stay at the hospital. Maddex has come up both nights. She seems to like them but is not incredibly interested. We'll see if that changes when they come to her home and invade her space!!!
The babies love sleeping in the crib together which makes for sweet pictures like these...

Harper (aka Maddex Jr.) and Major

Major and Harper

Finally, since being pregnant with twins, I have learned to shamelessly ask for help when needed :) Our sweet friends at church have set up a meal rotation for us when we go home with the twins. Although our first two days with the twins have been smooth, I imagine things will be crazy when we go home! It took me about an hour and a half to feed & change the babes tonight. Just in time to start again ;) Anyway, if you are interested in blessing us during these next few, busy weeks, we would appreciate it so very much. A simple meal would give you a great excuse to come love on some babies :) 

You can sign up to provide us with a meal by going to To find our schedule, enter Crain as the name & password. The schedule will allow you to sign up for a specific day & fill in your meal of choice.

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