Friday, November 16, 2012

Big Sis

I think it's time to devote another post to my sweet biggest girl. I have really been missing her this past week since so much of my time is devoted to the baby twins. Thankfully they've been doing a lot of sleeping, so I am able to give some attention to Maddex when she comes home. Usually when she wakes in the morning I'm feeding the babies, so I don't get to hold, cuddle, or snuggle her much, if at all, before she leaves for the sitter. By the time she gets home, we only have two hours or so before bedtime, and I'm usually feeding the babies for part of that. I am so looking forward to the day (hopefully soon) where I can take her out for some special mommy/daughter time. She is getting plenty of daddy/daughter time which does make my heart happy. At first, I was nervous about her being home for the whole week of Thanksgiving so soon after the babies were born, but now I am so excited to have her here. I'm sure it won't be easy to juggle the babes and entertaining sweet girl, but I'm desperate to spend some quality time with her.

She has been so great with the twins. She mostly does her own thing, but she is definitely interested in her little sister and little brother. When she comes in she always wants to see them or kiss them. She's been pretty gentle with them so far. They are mostly sleeping in the pack & play though, so it's hard for her to get her hands on them :)

With all of my hormones I've been having feelings of guilt about bringing these babies into our family & taking away time and attention from Maddex. I just keep feeling like I've done her a disservice because I'm not able to give her as much attention now that the babies are here. Thankfully, a sweet friend pointed out that as they grow up and I can watch them play together then I'll realize that giving her a sister & brother was a great thing for her. Mitch also told me that Maddex needed a brother and sister to love forever. I can't wait to watch her interact with them and love them in the future.

And because I love to include pictures in my posts - here are some pictures of our sweet big sis!

This was from her sitter today. Look at the CHEESE on that sweet girls' face!

This picture is from the day we came home from the hospital. She got to eat a cookie for breakfast :)

We came home from the hospital on Saturday. On Sunday she was just loving on her baby dolls. Right before this picture she was holding the baby and saying "It's OK baby." Later that night she went to church and I'm told she just stood in one spot and held and rocked a baby doll for a long while. Sweet girl!

Sharing mommy's dinner at the hospital.

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