Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dear Harper

My precious Harper Elle,

You are my most beautiful babiest girl. I am awed by your beauty each time that I see you! I don't think I will ever be able to get enough of your giggles, grins, and sweet cheeks! I am so thankful the Lord blessed me with some lagniappe that we lovingly refer to as ellemeno (as in the alphabet…).

You have become the absolute easiest child. Your first few weeks were rough, I have to admit. You started off your journey in this world as a bit of a sick and loud (well, you're still loud) little girl! I was certain you'd give me a run for my money. For the longest time I called you my roller coaster baby. You were either super happy or incredibly mad! This is still mostly true, but, thankfully, you spend more time being super happy!

I am not sure if I can even narrow down my favorite things about you. I love how you wave at anyone and everyone. You even wave to people and say "bye" when they leave! I love how I just have to smile at you to get the biggest grin in return. I love kissing your chubby cheeks. I love tickling you to hear that sweet, sweet giggle. I love when you blow kisses. I love how you walk so giddily when we hold your hands. You have such a sweet, happy spirit!

You are my awesome sleeper. You sleep well at night, are happy in your bed, and almost always go down easy for naps and wake up happy. You will grudgingly fall asleep in your carseat, but you mostly love sleeping in your bed. You're not a huge snuggler and usually just want to be left alone to sleep!

You are sometimes my more picky eater. You will usually allow me to feed you anything, but you will start spitting foods out when you've had enough. You mostly love meat and often spit out your vegetables. You are a fruit girl for sure. You seem to be a bit more picky about what you eat when your incoming molars are bothering you :( You are OK with milk and water, but don't seem to drink as much as your buddy. You seem to be a bit more of a picky eater than Major, but you continue to outweigh him!!

You measure around the 75th percentile in height and weight and your precious head is still off of the charts! Your hair is growing in super light and the back seems to have some interesting texture to it! I'm so excited to see what your hair will look like in a few years!

You love waving and giggling. You love laughing at your siblings and playing with them. Your smile melts me daily, and I look forward to seeing it daily! You are nowhere near walking, but get around just fine crawling. You blow the sweetest kisses and make everyone smile. You are such an easy baby! I pray that you continue to be a sweet spirited girl who loves others and the Lord unconditionally. I believe your smile has the power to infect people with joy and cheer!

birthday angel

some of her first smiles - all smiles from here on out!

one of my favorite pictures - shows her joy!

a rare snuggle

LOVE this picture too!!!

I love you,

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