I started off the week at the doctor with precious Harpy. I knew she was sick over the weekend - runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and fever. She had a lot of trouble sleeping Sunday night and I was up with her often. Turns out she has a nasty ear infection :( Please take a moment and pray my sweet Harper Elle does not follow in her big sister's footsteps with back-to-back ear infections ending in tubes. I hope this is an isolated event! She had a couple of rough nights, but thankfully Major slept amazingly on Harper's roughest nights!

Hilarious picture of Harpy
My poor sick girl
I was able to take Major and Maddex to Mommy & Me at the mall on Monday while my mom loved on sick Harper. Maddex loves riding the carousel & nothing beats a free ride! Major seemed to enjoy his first carousel ride, also!

Tuesday we had a play date disaster and I actually slept super late after getting Harper back to bed early in the morning. We went out for a ride and had an easy afternoon while Harper was on the mend.
On Wednesday, I took Maddex to her first movie! We saw "Horton Hears a Who" and Mad did SO good! She loved her snack pack and was very attentive to the movie. She would talk to me throughout, but it wasn't a big deal because kids all over the theater were making noise. She was so cute sitting in that big ole chair! Before the movie was over she decided it was time to go home. So we were able to exit before the masses, which was super nice! I hope we'll make it to one or two more movies this summer!
Drinking her "Fruit cunch"
Riding on a snail
We finished our busy week today with a playdate with my friend from school and her daughters. Maddex seemed to have a good time running around their house and the twins were mostly well-behaved for a couple of tired babies! When we got home, I discovered BIG NEWS - Major Man has his first tooth!!! I tried to get a picture, but that sucker wouldn't cooperate! Despite some rough nights, I've enjoyed keeping busy this week. I'm hoping the rest of our summer continues in this manner...busy with fun days and long naps :)
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