Friday, June 14, 2013

Seven Months

I say it every month, but I can't believe my babies are seven months! They are so sweet and SO much fun (when they're not crabby and teething). Here are some general updates on the twinsies...


-I expect a tooth to pop through any day on them! They are chewing on everything and somewhat crabby. Maddex didn't have her first tooth until 8 months, so we still may be in for a wait.
-Babies are sitting pretty well these days! I still keep a boppy behind them for when (not if) they fall over. We actually had both babies in high chairs at Canes tonight. This made me a little sad bc they looked so big! I wish I had taken a picture.
-The best news about the 7 month mark is that the babies are sleeping much better. They've been going down between 7:30 and 8 and sleeping (most nights) until at least 4ish. That's a dream for this mama! (Disclaimer: I started working on this post last night...of course they had the worst night we've had in a while! Go figure!)
-They love eating! We've been on purees for about a month. They have had bananas, avacado, sweet potatoes, green beans, pears, and carrots. I also give them teeny tiny pieces of regular food every once in a while. Oh, and they've had a few puffs!
-Both are still rocking their 6 month clothes and are in size 3 diapers. We are on our last few boxes of our stash!


-This boy is so sweet. He always grins at me in the mornings. I must say, staying at home with these kiddos is wearing me down, but I do love getting them up in the mornings. Those first moments of well-rested happiness are my absolute favorite!
-Major thought carrots were hilarious tonight! He giggled every time I brought a bite close to his mouth!
-Another benefit to my beach trip was that Mitch got Major sleeping in the pack & play. We tried a couple of time to transition him from the rock & play, but it just wasn't working. Mitch decided it was time, and he was right! Major has slept great in the pack & play the last week! No worries - he'll move into a crib soon enough :)


-I love this sweet girl so much! She is the giggliest girl. My favorite is when she laughs at her aquarium when she goes to bed. She usually cries/whines for a bit when she's put down, but sometimes she giggles and it's so sweet to hear!
-Harpy always slurps down her food when she eats. Super cute.
-I'm considering making her a double named kid. I think Harper Elle has such a beautiful flow to it.
-One thing Harper does most nights is that she seems to have trouble going back to sleep after she eats in the early morning. The past few mornings (and many before), I can hear her talking or fussing in her bed after I put her back down. This makes me sad. I wish she could just settle back in to sleep with her full belly!


-Why not give an update on my silly, cranky two-year-old?? She doesn't get enough face time on the blog!
-Maddex's two year molars are in full force. This has caused her to be cranky and a little clingy. We are definitely fighting some terrible two behavior, but I honestly think it's because she is being terrorized by those molars! I'm curious to see if some of her crazed behaviors scale back once her teeth are in.
-Mad is an interesting eater. Some nights she eats great and will say things like "More squash!" Other nights, she refuses to eat the food of the gods (pizza) and can only be appeased with ice cream for dinner!
-If Maddex is not making me reach deep down for patience, she is cracking me up. She is definitely in to the pretending phase and the wanting attention phase. I love when she goes, "Mama, watch me!" But then she has nothing planned and she'll do some little trick. It's just too precious. Her faces, actions, and questioning are so fun.
-We had such a sweet moment the other night...Maddex knows one bible verse - "God is love." I've been wanting to teach her the verse about having a gentle & quiet spirit. That one sounds pretty valuable for a two year old to know, right? (Let me interject that I just realized I hyphenated two year old earlier, but didn't this time. I don't know which way is right. That is shameful). I tried to teach the verse to her with some hand motions...we are only learning the phrase "gentle & quiet spirit" for now. She seems to want nothing to do with learning this new verse! But the other night I started talking about her new verse and she did the hand motions! It just melted my heart. I do hope my sweet girl strives to please the Lord through having a gentle & quiet spirit.
-I just had to fuss at Maddex with this phrase: "No ma'am! Do not hit mommy's computer with a hot dog!" I smiled when she turned around. Oh that child!

Before I include pictures of my cuties, I wanted to mention a blog that I ran across. You can find it here (please take a moment to read it!). I became convicted about my blog and afraid that I portray myself as a mom who always has it together. I do hope that my gravel in the hair entry proved that untrue! I want to say that we have our share of difficult days (almost daily it seems lately). I don't usually blog about those experiences because, to be honest, those are not the days and moments that I want to remember. One of the reasons I have this blog is so that I can one day reflect upon and remember this stage in my life. It's such a blur that I know I'm going to forget so much of it (I already have!), and I want to be able to return to my blog to remember this crazy life I'm currently living. I want to be reminded of all of the good that comes through during my difficult days and weeks and not the moments of impatience or frustration. So, if you ever think that I have it all put together - let me just assure you that I don't! I'm shaking gravel from my hair all day long!!!

Here are some 7 month pictures (with a special guest!)

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