Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Middle of the night activities

Well, this chick is NOT going to sleep! After a couple of hours of us trying to get her to bed, she finally went to sleep a little after 10. Not even an hour later she was up and crying again. Mitch eventually went in and rocked her. She slept in the recliner with him for a couple of hours.

Around 1:00 I went in to see if he needed anything, and he shortly after tried to put her in her crib. Unsuccessful. Another hour of trying to get her to sleep, and she just wouldn't go back to sleep!

So, what do ya do? We get up and watch Dora of course. And eat cereal and grapes. We are all awake (including the twins who are enjoying the grapes) and snuggled on the couch watching Dora. We are just trying to enjoy these sweet moments with our baby girl because soon they'll be gone. I just can't believe she won't sleep! I am sure we'll be sending her off to Mrs. Vickie's first thing & heading to bed ourselves!

Here's a few pics of our nighttime. I look awesome at 3:00 in the morning :)
tickling daddy

watching Dora & eating cereal

Oh Lord help us!!!

Update: The shenanigans continued until almost 5 AM. I must say that those hours were spent with a sweet and silly little girl. She would snuggle with us off & on, go play by herself, talk, wear my slippers, etc. Finally, a little before 5, I decided to try to put her to bed again. She didn't seem like she wanted to go, so I fully expected more screaming. However, I brought her in her room, she gave me a kiss, I put her in her bed, she whimpered some, and went to sleep. Hallelujah!!!

Now, this child is a freak of nature and usually sleeps until 9:30 or so. This morning she was up at 8:00. I think she cried the whole time Mitch got her ready, gave her breakfast, and got her out the door. I imagine the ride to Mrs. Vickie's was a rough one. But what do you expect from an overtired 1 year old?? I am so hoping she takes a good nap (or two) today and is ready for her usual schedule tonight. Of course, her schedule may not be usual if her sixth sense is correct & these babies are born today ;)

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