Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bed rest

Now that I'm officially on bed rest, this is what my day consists of...

A toddler that pretty much constantly wants to be in my lap
Here we are watching Elmo. The only part of my appearance I'll allow to be photographed today is my hair ;)

She doesn't quite understand how to be gentle around me, so this lap time consists of lots of elbows to the belly and baby squishing!

My day also consists of watching my house and personal space (couch for now) get trashed...

In an attempt to distract the wee one from climbing all over me, we got out toys. Her interest in them didn't last long. Or they made their way onto the couch with me.

Needless to say, I am not enjoying this bed rest thing too much with a bebe girl at home. I do think it'll be better on the days she spends at Mrs. Vickie's because then I can feel like I'll actually get rest.

In better news, we have such wonderful people in our lives that have already been supplying us with food! A couple of friends from church, our moms, and Maddex's sitter have provided us with meals over the past week! It's so wonderful not to have to cook or go buy tons of groceries. I'm looking forward to some delicious potato soup tonight :)

Also, I forgot to include in my post yesterday how GREAT everyone said the babies looked! They were cooperative on the monitors and stayed on most of the time. Their heartbeats looked great and always stayed in the right range. So proud of my good twin babes - let's hope they're that amazing when they exit the womb! We are so ready to meet our sweet boy and girl (and ready to be done with this nasty bed rest)!!!

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing! I was on bedrest with Briggs for 4 weeks so I do feel your pain...I just didn't have the excitement of a toddler at home too...that would STRESS. ME. OUT!. I'm already on shots to hopefully prevent that from happening this time around, but I could very soon be in your shoes. Praying for ya friend...and those sweet babies!
