After this long weekend with my babies, my heart is longing for the days when they drove me nuts (don't get me wrong, they can drive me nuts in the few hours I'm with them after work each day ;) ). As I feel jealous of my stay-at-home self, I think it's time to write her a letter. I'm back to remind stay-at-home Amy of her blessings, and I think you'll notice the tone of this letter is a bit different from it's predecessor.
Dear Stay-At-Home Amy,
Remember when you walked into the twins' room and Harpy said, "You home?" How much did your heart melt to be able to pull that baby girl into your arms and say, "Yes, baby girl, I'm home." What a precious moment you have each morning to kiss those fresh faces while you carry them down the hall. It won't be long before they don't fit into your arms anymore. What about that big girl that loves to help fix breakfast or spend time with you while you get ready? Stamp her sweet smile in your brain forever.
How many kisses did you get today? More than you can count, I'm sure. What about hugs or "hold you's"? Your heart must be full with the love and attention shown to you by those babies. Measure your success in those kisses and hugs; your babies love you unconditionally.
Stay-At-Home Amy, remember when you claimed my working mama floors would be clean and the sink would be empty because no one was home to use them? You were sadly mistaken. By the end of your work day, you are exhausted, but that doesn't matter. Three sweet things are relying on your arms to hold them, feed them, clean them, and give them all the love. By the time that loving is done, you're exhausted and tell yourself, "The floors can wait; the dishes don't have to be washed tonight - we have sippy cups for tomorrow; the clothes have already been on the couch for three days, what's another?" Those floors haven't been spotless in months!
When was the last time you had to tell your three-year-old, "Not now, baby, mommy's got to work?" Or locked yourself in your bedroom so you could record a lesson in peace? Not lately, huh? Because your time belongs to you and your babies. One day, your babies will be grown. They will remember the attention and love that you gave them 24/7. They will appreciate you. You will be filled with sweet memories of their innocence and sweetness to get you through those times where they push your limits and seem to lack any ounce of sweet at all. You will never regret the moments that you get to spend focused on loving your children.
Finally, stay-at-home Amy, I'll end with two simple words. Nap time.
Working Amy
Off to dry my eyes. How many days until summer?!??!?!
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