Monday, July 8, 2013

8 Months

Time's a flying, y'all. I think one day I'll go back and count how many of my blogs have an opening sentence with the word "y'all." I think it will be over half. Anyway, the babies are 8 months old. I was taking their monthly picture earlier and regretting that I haven't gotten a picture each month of each baby individually with the monthly sign. I try to take plenty of pictures of them separately because they are, after all, individual little people. I have failed this for the monthly pictures. Oh well. Here's what's up...


-The babies are so much fun and super aware of one another these days. Every morning they are SO excited to see each other - they giggle and flap their arms! They are not so in to sharing toys and are always grabbing them from one another when they play on the floor together.

-Both babies are in the throes of teething. I feel like I've said that before. They have developed some pretty terrible sleeping habits! They are each up 2-3 times a night...that makes for some long, well, short nights for this mama. I actually brought them to the doctor this week because I was convinced they must have ear infections! Nope - these babies are just crazy! If you're still reading this paragraph, please say a quick prayer for rest for me and the babies.

-Both are still nursing well and loving purees. So far they've had bananas, avacado, apples, pears, prunes, carrots, green beans, peas, plums, peaches, butternut squash, and maybe one or two other things I'm forgetting. I've been making all of their food because I told Mitch earlier it would cost us $2/day to feed the babies for two meals (that's how many purees they are eating)...which means $60/month in baby food. Ummmm....a big ole NO to that! Annnnnnnd not to mention that homemade food is way better for them!

-Both babies are solidly in 9 month clothes, but I imagine we'll be moving up to 12 months soon!


-Maj is 18 lbs. 8 oz. according to the doc this week
-Maj also does the cutest thing with his hands when he wants more food...he starts rolling/waving them around. Presh.
-Major still just has one tooth! I can see the other one ready to come through any day now.
- I think I mentioned this before, but Major waves, claps, and gives kisses. He's my smart, talented boy :)
-We've had some late nights with Major lately. Many a night in the last couple weeks he just will not go to bed...he cries, we get him, I feed him and put him back down...repeat this cycle a couple times.
-Major is also quite the scooter. He gets on his belly and starts pushing himself around backwards all around the room!
-I think Maj will crawl before his sister...he's been getting on his knees and rocking for a while!


-Harp is 18 lbs. 9 oz. She's keeping that one ounce on her brother - it's all in the head!
-Sweet girl doesn't have many tricks yet, but she'll give the occasional kiss or do a little scooting around.
-I still just can't get enough of her cheeks. I will be so sad when those suckers disappear.
-Harper's night time troubles come early early in the morning. Usually at some point between 2 & 5 she does not seem to want to go back to sleep. She talks, cries, and whines for a while (45 minutes - 1 hour) until she gets super loud and I go get her.

That's about all of the updates I can think of right now! We are just chugging along through the summer. I am honestly looking forward to going back to work. I believe the Lord made me to be a working mom (even though it seems all of my friends stay at home!) and I'm anxious to get back to it! As always, I'll leave you with our monthly cuteness!

You'll notice that it's getting more difficult to snap a shot of the babies with their monthly sign!

Oooooh paper! you can see the sign!

Look at those surprised faces!

Big sis helping out :)

Before I sign off - gotta give a big Happy Anniversary shout out to my sugar daddy! Thanks for these cute you! :)

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