Things have been a mess around the Crain household lately - literally. Maddex had her first little stomach bug a few nights ago and it was so awful! I keep saying it could have been worse, but in the moment it seemed as bad as it could be! Poor girl did NOT know what was happening! She first got sick in her high chair & I got her into the tub & she kept saying "I spit in Maddex's chair." It was so pitiful. I tried to explain to her that she threw up and it was okay and she couldn't help it. She then began to call it "grow up." We hoped that this was an isolated puke incident and we put her to bed. A little while later we heard her crying, turned on the monitor, and could see more "grow up" in her bed. So we ran in, grabbed her, and rushed to the bathroom. Big mess on the way, but thankfully it was all on the tile and nothing on carpet! She kept saying "I want to take another bath!" and "I grow up in Maddex's bed." We were able to get her & the house cleaned up and thankfully put her back to bed pretty easily. Then, more grow up in her bed. That was the last one, but she was not as willing to go back to sleep that time and ended up staying up in the living room with Mitch for a couple of hours.
The next day, she was back to herself, and we survived our first bug. She really handled it well and wasn't too pitiful. It just made me so sad to see her confused and out of control about what was happening. I will be glad if that never happens to us again - but I'm sure it will! I'm thankful that the bug seemed to be contained to her. Harper has been spitting up some lately, but nothing like throw up. I felt a little queasy for a couple of days but never go sick.
In baby news - we are not sleeping. I'm so frustrated with what is happening with their sleeping patterns. Major is up probably 4 times a night on average. Harper is usually up about twice, but sometimes more. She is also still in the habit of not going back to sleep for an hour and eventually screaming so that I get up with her again. They are not napping well either. I'm pretty sure they should be taking at least 3 hours worth of naps these days, but I'm lucky to get 1.5 hours total...and they are grumpy! We definitely have moments of sweetness and fun, but overall I'm dealing with some overtired babies with poor sleeping habits.
I'll be honest...up to this point, I've been letting them make the decisions about when and how long they are going to sleep, but that's about to change. I will NOT be able to survive going back to work in 2 weeks with 4-6 night wakings that sometimes involve me staying up for hours with the babies. I'm barely surviving now - I'm cranky and downright miserable 24/7. I'm hoping some of the approaches that I've decided to take with their sleeping will result in babies & a mama who are more well rested and happier. Pray for me and wish me luck :)
Now for a little cuteness update:
-Maddex has been super sweet and funny. She's really communicating well and soaking up so much. She loves singing, but hates when mommy sings. She's a great helper with the babies and has really begun to love playing with them. Aside from the occasional tantrum and potty training disasters, two is pretty fun :)
-Major still has one tooth and doing all his tricks. He loves to wave to Maddex & I swear he tells her "Hey!" His second tooth is due to break through any day now. He's also going to begin crawling so soon...he gets up on his hands and knees, rocks, gets into a plank position, and scoots backwards! Oh, and he's sitting up by himself! I found him this morning just a sitting in his pack & play!
-Harper is just a sweetie girl. She has one tooth also, and it's crooked! Harper waves sometimes and gives kisses. She really loves playing with her big sister; she giggles and giggles anytime Maddex plays with her. Harper is scooting backwards on her belly and just starting to get up on all fours, so it'll probably be a bit longer before she begins crawling.
That's all I've got for now. Please pray for my sleeping and sanity. I'm really ready for school to begin again. I think we will all benefit from a better schedule & routine!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
8 Months
Time's a flying, y'all. I think one day I'll go back and count how many of my blogs have an opening sentence with the word "y'all." I think it will be over half. Anyway, the babies are 8 months old. I was taking their monthly picture earlier and regretting that I haven't gotten a picture each month of each baby individually with the monthly sign. I try to take plenty of pictures of them separately because they are, after all, individual little people. I have failed this for the monthly pictures. Oh well. Here's what's up...
-The babies are so much fun and super aware of one another these days. Every morning they are SO excited to see each other - they giggle and flap their arms! They are not so in to sharing toys and are always grabbing them from one another when they play on the floor together.
-Both babies are in the throes of teething. I feel like I've said that before. They have developed some pretty terrible sleeping habits! They are each up 2-3 times a night...that makes for some long, well, short nights for this mama. I actually brought them to the doctor this week because I was convinced they must have ear infections! Nope - these babies are just crazy! If you're still reading this paragraph, please say a quick prayer for rest for me and the babies.
-Both are still nursing well and loving purees. So far they've had bananas, avacado, apples, pears, prunes, carrots, green beans, peas, plums, peaches, butternut squash, and maybe one or two other things I'm forgetting. I've been making all of their food because I told Mitch earlier it would cost us $2/day to feed the babies for two meals (that's how many purees they are eating)...which means $60/month in baby food. Ummmm....a big ole NO to that! Annnnnnnd not to mention that homemade food is way better for them!
-Both babies are solidly in 9 month clothes, but I imagine we'll be moving up to 12 months soon!
-Maj is 18 lbs. 8 oz. according to the doc this week
-Maj also does the cutest thing with his hands when he wants more food...he starts rolling/waving them around. Presh.
-Major still just has one tooth! I can see the other one ready to come through any day now.
- I think I mentioned this before, but Major waves, claps, and gives kisses. He's my smart, talented boy :)
-We've had some late nights with Major lately. Many a night in the last couple weeks he just will not go to bed...he cries, we get him, I feed him and put him back down...repeat this cycle a couple times.
-Major is also quite the scooter. He gets on his belly and starts pushing himself around backwards all around the room!
-I think Maj will crawl before his sister...he's been getting on his knees and rocking for a while!
-Harp is 18 lbs. 9 oz. She's keeping that one ounce on her brother - it's all in the head!
-Sweet girl doesn't have many tricks yet, but she'll give the occasional kiss or do a little scooting around.
-I still just can't get enough of her cheeks. I will be so sad when those suckers disappear.
-Harper's night time troubles come early early in the morning. Usually at some point between 2 & 5 she does not seem to want to go back to sleep. She talks, cries, and whines for a while (45 minutes - 1 hour) until she gets super loud and I go get her.
That's about all of the updates I can think of right now! We are just chugging along through the summer. I am honestly looking forward to going back to work. I believe the Lord made me to be a working mom (even though it seems all of my friends stay at home!) and I'm anxious to get back to it! As always, I'll leave you with our monthly cuteness!
You'll notice that it's getting more difficult to snap a shot of the babies with their monthly sign!
-The babies are so much fun and super aware of one another these days. Every morning they are SO excited to see each other - they giggle and flap their arms! They are not so in to sharing toys and are always grabbing them from one another when they play on the floor together.
-Both babies are in the throes of teething. I feel like I've said that before. They have developed some pretty terrible sleeping habits! They are each up 2-3 times a night...that makes for some long, well, short nights for this mama. I actually brought them to the doctor this week because I was convinced they must have ear infections! Nope - these babies are just crazy! If you're still reading this paragraph, please say a quick prayer for rest for me and the babies.
-Both are still nursing well and loving purees. So far they've had bananas, avacado, apples, pears, prunes, carrots, green beans, peas, plums, peaches, butternut squash, and maybe one or two other things I'm forgetting. I've been making all of their food because I told Mitch earlier it would cost us $2/day to feed the babies for two meals (that's how many purees they are eating)...which means $60/month in baby food. Ummmm....a big ole NO to that! Annnnnnnd not to mention that homemade food is way better for them!
-Both babies are solidly in 9 month clothes, but I imagine we'll be moving up to 12 months soon!
-Maj is 18 lbs. 8 oz. according to the doc this week
-Maj also does the cutest thing with his hands when he wants more food...he starts rolling/waving them around. Presh.
-Major still just has one tooth! I can see the other one ready to come through any day now.
- I think I mentioned this before, but Major waves, claps, and gives kisses. He's my smart, talented boy :)
-We've had some late nights with Major lately. Many a night in the last couple weeks he just will not go to bed...he cries, we get him, I feed him and put him back down...repeat this cycle a couple times.
-Major is also quite the scooter. He gets on his belly and starts pushing himself around backwards all around the room!
-I think Maj will crawl before his sister...he's been getting on his knees and rocking for a while!
-Harp is 18 lbs. 9 oz. She's keeping that one ounce on her brother - it's all in the head!
-Sweet girl doesn't have many tricks yet, but she'll give the occasional kiss or do a little scooting around.
-I still just can't get enough of her cheeks. I will be so sad when those suckers disappear.
-Harper's night time troubles come early early in the morning. Usually at some point between 2 & 5 she does not seem to want to go back to sleep. She talks, cries, and whines for a while (45 minutes - 1 hour) until she gets super loud and I go get her.
That's about all of the updates I can think of right now! We are just chugging along through the summer. I am honestly looking forward to going back to work. I believe the Lord made me to be a working mom (even though it seems all of my friends stay at home!) and I'm anxious to get back to it! As always, I'll leave you with our monthly cuteness!
You'll notice that it's getting more difficult to snap a shot of the babies with their monthly sign!
Oooooh paper! you can see the sign!
Look at those surprised faces!
Big sis helping out :)
Before I sign off - gotta give a big Happy Anniversary shout out to my sugar daddy! Thanks for these cute you! :)
Friday, July 5, 2013
Hindsight is 20/20
I had the grand idea to start potty training with Maddex on July 4th. She loves to sit on the potty but had not ever used it since the very first time I put her on there months ago. But my girl is so smart and seemed so interested, I just KNEW it was going to be a breeze! I figured a Thursday would be a good day to start so that she'd be fairly well trained by church on Sunday. Y'all, I was wrong.
The child would not use the potty. She hated the timer, would say she didn't have to go, and would sit on there with NO action. Repeatedly. In retrospect, the first half a day wasn't too bad - she just held it! Maddex had no more than a few drops of tee tee in those first few hours, but the girl loved her panties! She threw a fit about putting on a pull up for nap time. Let's throw in some fussy twins to the mix at this point...twins who are waking up multiple times a night and not napping well. We are experiencing some awful sleep regression! By naptime on day one, I was done. Maddex was hollering about the pull up and Harper would not nap. I was ready to throw in the towel - not on potty training - but on motherhood all together! Good Lord (and He is good!), this is hard!!
Fast forward to after nap time (the one where Maddex slept wonderfully, but the twins hardly slept) and we talk about the potty chart. Mad was so excited to earn stickers for her chart and get a treat! I just knew this was going to be the ticket. Wrong! Begin the peeing on the the worst times. I'm nursing a baby or both babies are screaming in exersaucers and I'm hurriedly carrying her to the potty while pee drips throughout the house. All afternoon. Several accidents. Screaming babies. ZERO potty action.
Of course, July 4th was a great day to make a decision that would exhaust me as a parent. NOT. I was desperately waiting for bedtime because there was no synchronized napping today. Enter the fireworks...the ones that we've hated for years but have never actually bothered our child. This year she is scared. This year we have more babies, one of which is awoken by the horrifically loud booming going on around us. Mitch miraculously got Maddex to bed some time after nine, but Major was up until around TEN FORTY FIVE! I think it's safe to say that yesterday was one of my least favorite days of parenting ever.
I'd love to tell you that today was better and Maddex earned all kinds of stickers. But nope. We had one accident and then she asked to wear a diaper so she could sit on the couch. This mama was not fighting that! So potty training will wait for another day. Once that diaper went back on, it was as if everything was right in the world....well, not really, but the day did get significantly better! I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to be able to potty train Maddex with two babies around that need so much of my attention. I have some ideas for when we try the next time, but who knows when that will be! After the last few days, I'm in NO hurry! Oh, did I mention that Mitch was home and helping me all day yesterday...and I still just about lost my mind!!!
Since this post was a bit "Debbie downer," I'll leave you with some incredible cuteness to make you feel a little less sorry for me :)
The child would not use the potty. She hated the timer, would say she didn't have to go, and would sit on there with NO action. Repeatedly. In retrospect, the first half a day wasn't too bad - she just held it! Maddex had no more than a few drops of tee tee in those first few hours, but the girl loved her panties! She threw a fit about putting on a pull up for nap time. Let's throw in some fussy twins to the mix at this point...twins who are waking up multiple times a night and not napping well. We are experiencing some awful sleep regression! By naptime on day one, I was done. Maddex was hollering about the pull up and Harper would not nap. I was ready to throw in the towel - not on potty training - but on motherhood all together! Good Lord (and He is good!), this is hard!!
Fast forward to after nap time (the one where Maddex slept wonderfully, but the twins hardly slept) and we talk about the potty chart. Mad was so excited to earn stickers for her chart and get a treat! I just knew this was going to be the ticket. Wrong! Begin the peeing on the the worst times. I'm nursing a baby or both babies are screaming in exersaucers and I'm hurriedly carrying her to the potty while pee drips throughout the house. All afternoon. Several accidents. Screaming babies. ZERO potty action.
Of course, July 4th was a great day to make a decision that would exhaust me as a parent. NOT. I was desperately waiting for bedtime because there was no synchronized napping today. Enter the fireworks...the ones that we've hated for years but have never actually bothered our child. This year she is scared. This year we have more babies, one of which is awoken by the horrifically loud booming going on around us. Mitch miraculously got Maddex to bed some time after nine, but Major was up until around TEN FORTY FIVE! I think it's safe to say that yesterday was one of my least favorite days of parenting ever.
I'd love to tell you that today was better and Maddex earned all kinds of stickers. But nope. We had one accident and then she asked to wear a diaper so she could sit on the couch. This mama was not fighting that! So potty training will wait for another day. Once that diaper went back on, it was as if everything was right in the world....well, not really, but the day did get significantly better! I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to be able to potty train Maddex with two babies around that need so much of my attention. I have some ideas for when we try the next time, but who knows when that will be! After the last few days, I'm in NO hurry! Oh, did I mention that Mitch was home and helping me all day yesterday...and I still just about lost my mind!!!
Since this post was a bit "Debbie downer," I'll leave you with some incredible cuteness to make you feel a little less sorry for me :)
Happy babies in the morning
Major thinks it's so funny he scooted under the table
Fighting over toys already
My sweet babes
Harper says, "Oh look! There's my brother!"
Playing...can you see Harpy's grin?
Giving sister kisses
Harpy getting her brother
Popcorn snack
Sweet, silly girl :)
Monday, July 1, 2013
We've just been cruising along like normal these days. I attended a training all day for four days last week. I did enjoy the professional development, but I missed my babies. It made me a bit concerned about how I'm going to go back to being a working mom with three babies in just over a month! Here's just a few pictures of what we've been up to lately...
Harper doesn't have any tricks yet, but that's okay. The only trick I ever need her to do is smile that sweet, gummy smile and I am melted to the core.
And Maddex is just as crazy sweet as usual. We've been fighting a couple big fits lately, but other than that we get lots of snuggles and sweet two year old conversations. We are amazed daily at how big she is getting! That's about it around here! We are having fun with summer and still managing to find a routine! Maybe I'll have a more interesting post soon, but I hope not! I'm enjoying the simple life we've been leading!
My beautiful baby girl!
Major Man clapping in the tub
Beautiful girl in the morning
Sitting in high chairs!! When did they get SO big??
Major has some new tricks including clapping, waving, and giving mommy kisses. This boy is just TOO sweet!!!!
Harper doesn't have any tricks yet, but that's okay. The only trick I ever need her to do is smile that sweet, gummy smile and I am melted to the core.
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