Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FOUR months!

Y'all! My babies are 1/3 of the way to ONE...I can't believe it. I really believe we are finally settling in to a calm, lovely routine & are on the cusp of more sleep! Each day I am more thankful for my babies and don't know what I'd do without twins (besides sleep  ;) ).

The babies are really beginning to love to play and interact with us. They smile, coo, and giggle just when you look at them! They are both learning to roll over from back to belly! Harper started rolling about a week ago. Once I put her on her back, she'd immediately start rolling over. She's calmed down a bit & stays on her back for longer these days. Major just started to roll this week! He's not quite all the way over, but is getting close! Next skill we'll work on is sitting up! They love to sit in the stacked boppy's and corners of the couch.

Here's a little rundown on each babe:


Ok, for all the fuss that baby girl gave us during the first couple months of her life, she has become the sweetest baby child! In the past weeks, we have transitioned her out of the rock & play and into the crib. I took her off Zantac a few weeks ago because she didn't seem to need it. I figure if she's grown out of reflux, she probably also doesn't need to sleep on an incline in the rock & play. Anyway, she was sleeping all night in the rock & play, but started waking in the night again in the crib. I wanted to abandon the crib immediately, but we stuck it out! We also noticed that she would wake up when she wiggled out of her swaddler. So, we decided to also try unswaddling her arms. We hoped if she fell asleep unswaddled, then she wouldn't wake up because her arms were free. Anyway, (I'm taking a long time to get to my point!) she is now sleeping all night, in a crib, with her arms unswaddled. She is SO big!!! Last Monday night was my absolute favorite - we put her down around 9:30 and she went happily to sleep. She slept until 5:00 & I got up and fed her. After I fed her, I could hear her in there just a talking in her sweet baby voice until she fell asleep again. Tuesday morning Mitch went in to get her up. She was already awake and talking quietly. She gave him the biggest grin when she saw him. Melt my heart!!! She is just beyond sweet!!! Maddex was a sweet baby, but Harper just might be out-sweeting her!!!

Other Harper news...she is the happiest baby. She just laughs and laughs when you tickle her, smile at her, kiss her, etc., etc. She is also easy to confuse with a baby doll. Our friends Kerri & Todd watched our kids the other night, so we could go on a date. Both of them mistook Harper for a baby doll at a different point in the night! I always tell her that I love her bald head, chubby cheeks, blue eyes, sweet smile, pig nose, and basically every part of her face :) I could just kiss it off!

Her 4 month stats:

Length: 24.5 inches (25-50%)
Weight: 14 lbs 7.5 oz (50%)
Head: 44 cm (98%)


Maj is a typical boy - the strong, silent type. He has beefed up over the past month and looks like such a  stud in his little 3 month onesies that are almost too small! He is still spitting up like crazy & has developed a rash in his neck from it always being wet :( He is also smiley, but more reserved with his giggles. I love his deep, raspy voice when he laughs. It's the complete opposite of his sister's high, sweet voice.

Major is still sleeping swaddled in the rock & play. I definitely think he still benefits from sleeping in an inclined position because of his reflux. He is also not quite the self-soother that he used to be. He will sometimes go down for a nap without crying, but if he wakes up prematurely, it takes some work to get him back to sleep. He's definitely behaving more like his older sister in this category. He's also still waking at night regularly, but it's getting better. It seems like his first big stretch each night is getting a little longer every few days. I think he's close to the textbook definition of sleeping through the night (6 hours), but I'll still be getting up with him nightly until he makes it to 8-9 hours without waking.

His 4 month stats:

Length: 24.5 inches (10%)
Weight: 14 lbs 11 oz (passed up his sis! - 25%)
Head: 44 cm (90 %)

They are growing wonderfully! We are trying Major on some prevacid instead of zantac after discussing his reflux problems with our pediatrician. We started the medicine a few days ago, but I haven't noticed any amazing difference. I'm thinking he's just going to be a spitter until he outgrows it. The babies had a great check-up and took their shots like champs (screaming champs, but champs nonetheless).

So, it's finally time to finish this post. I've been working on it for WEEKS. Seriously - weeks. The babies are already doing so many different things since I last posted...

-We are finally transitioning to 3 naps a day (from 4)
-The last 2 nights have been miraculous - in bed by 9:00 and slept until 4:30 Monday morning then 5:30 this morning. Hallelujah!
-We got out one of the exercausers today - they did great! We are trying to extend their wake time activities.
-The babies are taking their first trip to the zoo tomorrow!
-I will be changing out their clothes to their 3-6 month and 6 month clothes this week. So sad!
-I am really enjoying being home with them these days, but it's exhausting! The house is always a mess and I can hardly finish one task before it's time to do another - dishes, laundry, feed babies, put babies down, feed 2 year old, change diapers, yada yada yada. I may be more pooped than when I work ;)

Time to finish up with some pictures! Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll blog about our zoo trip ;)

How cute are those shirts?

Major makes the same face in all these pictures!

Check out Maj's wet spit up shirt

Holding his baby sister

Be still my heart! Look at that flirty boy!

Trying to kiss that sis

Lol @ Harp

Photography by Maddex. Watch for her portfolio soon.

Harp didn't like laying on the ground, but I really wanted a picture of their shirts!

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