I have to make a confession. This is hard. I think I've skated through the first few weeks of twin-dom with sleepy, predictable, sweet babes. But things have changed. Don't get me wrong, they're still as sweet as can be, but things are all out of whack these days! This has been a rough week for the babies which translates into a rough week for mom and dad.
Both babies have had some congestion but no other symptoms, so we keep running the humidifier and sucking snot from their noses. Harper had a rough night right after christmas. She screamed for hours into the night :/ I'm still not sure what was wrong with her! Major took his turn last night and was up most of the night fussing and squirming. Both babies seem to be having some tummy troubles so we've started using gripe water, which I do think is helping a bit. There has been little time in the past few days that both babies have slept in a swing or rock & play - including night time. Usually at least one is being held. My house is a mess and I'm lucky I've gotten some laundry and dishes done. We've hardly left the house all week! We are taking a family trip to Target today - God help us :)
Maddex has been home all week and she's been an angel. I feel bad that she's had no change of scenery for days! She's been very sweet and ha played and played all day. She has some fussy moments, but overall she has been amazing. She has even asked to nap a few days this week! It's been a Christmas miracle :)
I don't have any official 7 week stats. The babes go to the doctor at 2 months. They are both over 10 lbs, in size 1 diapers - well on their way to size 2, and have pretty much outgrown their newborn clothes. I even put a 3 month track suit on harper the other day!
We are tired but surviving by the strength of the Lord. I'm telling you, without HIM I would not be surviving with the wakefulness and energy that I have each day. Please continue to pray for us - for the babies to settle into a routine again, for them to feel well (congestion and reflux), and for rest for mom & dad. Thank you!!!
Here are pictures of all of our sweet loves on Christmas day.
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