Here are just a few of my favorite things about each Crain kid...
1. Her helpfulness. She delights in doing things to help me - whether it's putting something in the sink, grabbing a diaper, or putting away her clothes.
3. Crazy hair. There are plenty of moments when it drives me nuts, but most of the time her half curly/half straight uneven 'do is a perfect representation of her silly personality.
4. Making her siblings laugh. Maddex is a picture of silliness, and she delights in gaining sweet giggles from her brother and sister. These moments usually delight us, too.

5. Imitating mom & dad. I just heard her say, "That's right baby girl" to Harper and she'll tell Major, "You're such a good boy." She often tells the babies, "Good job!!!
6. Waking up/sleepy face. I love her face when she wakes up - it's just a little big puffy and her hair's crazy. She is super snuggly and sweet in those first few moments of the morning or after nap.
7. Total sweetness. Tonight she told me, "I love daddy. And I love you, too!" My favorite is when I was calling Harper my lovey girl, and Maddex said, "Mommy, Harpy is your lovey girl and you are my lovey girl." I hope I am always her lovey girl.
1. His deep voice. Ok, it's not as deep as I make it out to be, but he sounds so manly when he says, "Runny nose mama" or when I walk in to get him and he says, "Hey mah muh."
2. Kissy lips. There has never been a better smoocher than this boy. He puckers up so good and plants one right on the pecker :)
3. Snuggles at bedtime. Most nights when it's time to go to bed, he wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder. He'll perk up to give me a kiss, then lay that head right back down.
4. Mama's boy. There's no doubt about it - this boy loves me. What else am I supposed to do when he gets fussed an then comes to snuggle??
5.Towel snuggling. Unlike his sister, Major get his towel on after his bath and immediately wants me to pick him up. He snuggles me sweetly while we go get him diapered and milked.
6. Sister loving. Major man is just a lovey boy. He is always willing to kiss and hug his sisters. He will bring things to them and is always such a sweet brother.
1. Giggles. I wish I could bottle her giggles. There is just not much better than a high-pitched, hilarious Harpy giggle.
2. Woodchuck teeth. I know that's a horrible thing to call them, but her front four teeth have always been so round and noticeable. Her top eyeteeth are coming in, and I'm afraid we will lose these sweet teeth.

3. Running. Y'all, there is something so hilarious about Harper's run. She kinda picks one leg up when she gets ready to go, and then moves so slowly. She loves to run away from us, so we get to witness this silly scene often.
4. Babbling. Harper will tell me something emphatically, except that it's unintelligible! She'll even repeat the phrase multiple times, but I'm lucky if I can pick a word or two out!
5. Naked towel running. After her bath every night, I put the towel on her head, and Harper takes off running into the living room. Her running is already hilarious, so add a towel and naked butt and it doesn't get better than that! She'd run around naked all night if we let her!
6. Raise both hands. Anytime I ask a question that starts with "Who..." or "Raise your hand if you..." Harpy raises both hands up in the air (this is best if she is wearing a short shirt and her belly shows) and says, "MEEEEE!!"