Everything comes in twos these days. Our latest double trouble is car seats. This is actually a quadruple need because we need seats for both
of our vehicles since Mitch drives the kids every morning! This is one of those #twinlife things that’s just a bummer! The good
news is these car seats should last through the rest of their car seat-needing
lives. This is just another of the many parts of the #twinlife that I’m coming
to accept. Double the babies means double the diapers to change, mouths to
feed, bottles to clean, naps to synchronize, and definitely means double the
baby gear!!! It also means double the giggles, smiles, kisses, and all of the
other sweet #twinlife moments that make it totally worth it.
In other news, the babies are 9 months…and close to 10 months
by now! I haven’t gone to their 9 month appointment yet, so I don’t have all of
their specs. They turned nine months and Maddex turned 2.5 the week that school
started. I’ve finally decided things are slowing down enough to go to the
doctor this week. So, pray for me because I’m taking ALL THREE for well visits
on Friday! The twins will have shots, but Maddex won’t (let’s add double the
shots to the above paragraph ;) ). I'll add a brief post this weekend with their info from the doctor and their official nine month picture.
Here’s a little random info about my precious babies…
-Harper now has four teeth! She has passed her brother up.
I thought I’d miss her gummy grins, but I sure do love those toothy ones!
-Harper slept from 7ish – 6:15 one night this weekend. Then went back to
sleep until 8. She won the “Mommy’s favorite” award ;)
-Harper sometimes speaks on demand. When we tell her to say
“Mama, Dada or uh oh,” she’ll often repeat us.
-Harper thinks her siblings are so funny. She is always
giggling at Major or Maddex. She also giggles at me every afternoon when I walk
in to Mrs. Vickie’s!
-Harper is mostly crawling on her belly, but gets up on her
knees juuuuuust a tad bit. She sure can move on her belly though!
-I have decided that Harpy is just a straight Mama's girl (and sometime's daddy). I'm convinced she just does not like people like she loves her parents. For this reason, I think Major is often the favored twin because he's so easy. This means Harpy needs extra mama-lovin'!
-Harpy Elle has also been playing peek-a-boo! She holds a blanket in front of her head then pulls it down...we say "peek a boo!" and she giggles and giggles. The other day she giggled so big, she fell over!
-Harpy Elle has also been playing peek-a-boo! She holds a blanket in front of her head then pulls it down...we say "peek a boo!" and she giggles and giggles. The other day she giggled so big, she fell over!
-Major still has his two teeth – one top, one bottom. His
other bottom tooth has been threatening to come through forever, but it will
not break the gums!
-Major slept from 7ish – 4:45 this weekend which is not so bad! I think
I’m close to getting some nights of uninterrupted sleep. I never imagined it
would be almost 10 months of night wakings!!
-Major is a crawling machine and is beginning to pull up.
Usually when we go in to get him out of his crib, he is standing. This also means he's getting stuck standing up & cries! This happened last night poor guy...I think he may have fallen back to sleep standing up and then woken up & cried some more because he was standing and exhausted when I went in there!
-Major man, in typical boy fashion, loves his food. He often
cries when the food is gone, he’s done nursing, or the bottle is empty!
-My sweet boy become mega grump as soon as that bowl of food is empty at night...he is not happy during bath time, pajama time, and Lord help us if I have to put him down to take care of his sister!
-Big sis is having typical two year old issues. We are
battling fits of not getting her way often! This is such a tough age! She
understands SO much, so I think we often expect her to understand everything. I
think her fits often come as a result of difficulty communicating! And
sometimes they’re just because she’s being a brat ;)
-Maddex looooooves her babies and loves to give them kisses
and help them. The other morning Mitch asked Maddex if she loved the babies.
She said “I love my buddy boy” and went and held Major’s hand.
-She.is.hilarious. Bedtime is our favorite because she says
the funniest things to stall us from putting her down. Last week I wasn’t
feeling well and actually went to bed before Maddex. She stood at my door to
close it and kept saying the silliest things about swimming and my swimsuit.
Then she’d follow it up with “I love you so much.”
-She is definitely a parrot of us...always calling the babies "buddy boy" and "sweet girl."
-She is definitely a parrot of us...always calling the babies "buddy boy" and "sweet girl."
-Maddex loves jumping, singing, walking instead of being
carried, playing games, watching Elmo & Wheels on the Bus, and making silly
-As much as she drives us nuts, she’s so, so much fun!
Now for a few random, cute pictures of my kiddos lately...
Now for a few random, cute pictures of my kiddos lately...
I walked over to get a pic of them playing together and Maj looked up at me and made this face! Silly boy!
Check out those teeth - one top, one bottom on the same side
Same as brother, but opposite side! And y'all, this picture makes me die every time I see it. My sweet, sweet giggly girl.
Love my big girl - wanted a picture of herself after I was taking pics of the babies.
Holding his bottle - too big!
Standing in bed - too big!
Look at Maddex's tower that SHE built! I was ready to catch it if it fell :)
Going in for that kiss
I took Maddex to a princess breakfast at a local performing arts studio. She wanted nothing to do with the princesses and just wanted to run around in this room and look at herself in the mirror.
Her silly face
This picture was taken when Major was trying to get at the camera. He ended up knocking it down. Boys!!!!
"Look Mommy, I so pretty!" Yes, sweet girl, you are! I pray she always sees herself that way!
Grinning babies
Pretty sure Harpy said "Cheese" when I was taking this ;)