Wow....I cannot believe a year has already past. A friend of mine once said, (well, posted on FaceBook) "If you want to see your life fast forward, have a kid." It's SO true. This has been the fastest, best, happiest, most fulfilling year of my life. It's so hard to believe that his tiny babe...
Has turned into this...
What a magnificent year it has been! My precious girl, you are all and more than I could have ever asked for. You are the sweetest girl I know, always crawling over to give me a hug or a snuggle. You melt my heart with your smile or the way you lay your head on my shoulder. You make the sweetest faces at me and your daddy - like you are trying to figure us out and take us in.
You are also the silliest girl that I know. You make the absolute greatest faces! Whether you are sticking out your tongue (typical), scrunching up your nose and lips, or making some other random face, you never cease to make me laugh. It's obvious that you take joy in making us laugh because you will repeat those faces to get a reaction out of us. You love tumbling around on the couch, hanging upside down, and dancing around with mama.
You are such a trooper. You have survived TWO surgeries in your first year. Thankfully, they were simple, quick routines. You made it through like a champ...we are so, so proud of you!
You love doing your tricks...when we ask "Where's the light?" you always point up at it. You LOVE pointing at things and are sure to let us know where you want to go with that little pointer finger. You love clapping (especially when we say YAAAYYYYY). You've been waving for months and it's still a great trick to show off! You love to grab things and then give them to us - especially when we ask "What you got?" You are also really good at hide & go seek (Where's Maddex?) usually put your hands on the side of your face or on your head. It's so cute and makes me laugh EVERY time. You always take off your socks & your shoes if you can. My favorite is when you say "love you" - or in Maddex language - "uhh oooooh". It is a sweet sound that I could never tire of hearing.

You are such a sensitive sweetheart. When you get fussed at, your feelings are immediately hurt. I hope this desire to stay out of trouble follows you for a long, long time! You are always quickly cheered up with some hugs and kisses though.

We have made so many great memories with you this year!

Your first LSU game.
A trip to Mobile to visit your MawMaw & PawPaw Rogers's house for the last time.

Your first Christmas (and Thanksgiving, Easter, 4th of July...).
Your first foods (you love fruit, rice & gravy, & bread).

First time in the swimming pool.

First trip to the zoo.
My sweet Maddex girl, you are the most precious gift the Lord has ever blessed me with. I am so thankful to Him for giving me such a sweet, loving baby girl. I love the baby girl that you are now, and I know I will love the toddler that you turn in to over the next year. Thank you for being mommy's sweet girl. I love you with all of my heart!!!